What are the Home and Homes folders on a Synology NAS?

SynologyKnowledgeCenterofferscomprehensivesupport,providinganswerstofrequentlyaskedquestions,troubleshootingsteps,softwaretutorials, ...,SynologyKnowledgeCenterofferscomprehensivesupport,providinganswerstofrequentlyaskedquestions,troubleshootings...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Advanced | DSM

Synology Knowledge Center offers comprehensive support, providing answers to frequently asked questions, troubleshooting steps, software tutorials, ...

How can I index the entire "home" folder in Synology Drive?

Synology Knowledge Center offers comprehensive support, providing answers to frequently asked questions, troubleshooting steps, software tutorials, ...

How do I enable the user home service?

2023年9月26日 — Join your Synology NAS to a domain. · Go to Control Panel > Domain/LDAP > Domain/LDAP (for DSM 7) or Domain (for DSM 6) and make sure the ...

Synology Enable Home Directories

Synology can provide a home folder for each user. This is called the user home service . Several other services require this service.

Synology Home folder setup

2020年5月7日 — The Synology Home folder setup gives you a nice introduction to understanding that the home directory is typically a safe place to store ...

synology 既home homes 有咩用- NAS 專集

2020年7月16日 — Enable user homes to create a personal home folder for each user, except for guest. All users can access their own home folder via CIFS, AFP, ...

User home directory

2009年12月26日 — I have DS209+ II and I have created some new users over the web interface. Where can I find their /home directory through ssh?

What are the default permissions of the "homes" shared folder?

2022年1月10日 — Launch File Station, right-click on the homes shared folder, and select Properties. · On the Permission tab, you will find the current ...

為何會收到「Could not chdir to home directory」的訊息?

2023年2月5日 — 當您使用管理員身分,透過SSH 登入DSM / SRM 時,收到以下的訊息:「Could not chdir to home directory /var/services/homes/your_username: No such ...


SynologyKnowledgeCenterofferscomprehensivesupport,providinganswerstofrequentlyaskedquestions,troubleshootingsteps,softwaretutorials, ...,SynologyKnowledgeCenterofferscomprehensivesupport,providinganswerstofrequentlyaskedquestions,troubleshootingsteps,softwaretutorials, ...,2023年9月26日—JoinyourSynologyNAStoadomain.·GotoControlPanel>Domain/LDAP>Domain/LDAP(forDSM7)orDomain(forDSM6)andmak...